

From: Douglas Clark <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 1998 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Fred Beake's cogitations on feet

>Fred Beake to Ric Caddell
>                 1. As regards your last paragraph, no I am NOT being
>invidious towards anyone. As to the idea that I should be being unpleasant
>in some unspecified way towards Bill Griffiths, or Maggie O'Sullivan, both
>of whose work I have loved for twenty years, and premoted whenever I have
>had the chance, the least said probably the better.
>                  2. You clearly don't like my ideas, which is fair enough,
>but what are yours? I notice with wearisome regularity that poets of
>whatever persuasion will not discuss rhythm, as if it were some great
>taboo. This is getting about as silly as its inversion, the obsession of
>the 18th century with the heroic couplet, and it will kill Free Verse dead
>before we are finished.  It was not how the great Modernists worked. Right
>down to Ginsberg writing out all the Greek feet in his journal in the
>Fifties they were obsessed with how what they did worked, Bunting of course
>not least (as you perfectly rightly observe).  So, what are YOUR views?
