

The book is great. You are correct. I just read it properly for
the second time. When I first read it, last Thursday, I was quite
stunned and put it away from me, describing it as journalism.
But it really is magnificent poetry in the main. A very fine

And before Hughes I re-read MacSweeney. `Pearl' has come up in my
estimation and the first part of BoD is inferior until MacSweeney
grips you and carries you away. Different from Hughes but a voice
in his own right.

And before MacSweeney I can say that John Kinsells is a poet.
I preferred `Syzygy'. But I am dubious about what he has to say.
You have to say something even if you hanker to be a postmodern
and reject the Enlightenment.

And before that Maggie O'Sullivan's anthology `Out of everywhere'.
I think I did find three or four poets out of the wreckage but it
was a hard task.

And thank you very much for the kind message that Eric MOttram's
`Book of Herne' is available from North and South in Twickenham
at L3.60. I must order it.
