

Today, 13 December, is the feast of ...

* Antiochus, martyr (c. 121)
- martyred on island of Solta

* Lucy, virgin and martyr (303)
- refusing marriage to a suitor, she was sentenced to be placed in a
brothel, but the governor's guards were unable to move her there; she was
then ordered to be burned, but the flames had no effect; finally, her
throat was slit
- along the way, her eyes were gauged out, but these were miraculously
restored; often portrayed in art as holding a dish or shell bearing two

* Eustratius, Orestes, and others, martyrs (303)
- Eustratius was an Armenian, burned to death in a furnace; killed with
him in the furnace were his servant Eugenius, two friends (Mardarius and
Auxentius) who had pleaded for his life, and Orestes, a soldier who was
converted by the courage of Eustratius, and roasted to death on a grill

* Abra, confessor (400)
- daughter of well-known bishop and saint, Hilary of Poitiers (but born
before he became bishop)

* Aubert, confessor (c. 668)
- bishop of Cambrai, he is believed to have converted a group of lay
people to the monastic life and to have performed many miracles

* Judoc or Josse (c. 668)
- son of king Juthael of Amorica (Brittany), ordained c. 636 at Ponthieu
and after a pilgrimage to Rome, became a hermit at Runiacum (later named

* Odile, virgin (eighth century)
- born blind, she received sight at age twelve when baptized by St Erhardt
of Regensburg; patron of Alsace and of the blind, her shrine (near
Strasbourg) remains a major pilgrimage centre

* Elizabeth Rose, virgin (1130)
- died at Villechausson, near Courtenay

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Carolyn Muessig
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