

>Dear Daron,
>Thanks a lot for the information,  Our ILL people are chasing it even now!

My pleasure! I hope Trichet helps - although I must confess that I spent
more time reading the earlier part of his book, which deals with earlier
regulations regarding clerical attire. As the later section deals mostly
with the tradition of the soutane, I just hope that there is still some
information which might help you. He tends to translate sources, and does
not always reference as fully as he might, but I hope that this is not a
problem for your purposes this time. If Trichet fails, you could always try:

BOCK, Franz,  Geschichte der liturgischen Gewänder des Mittelalters.
Entstehung und Entwicklung der kirchlichen Ornate und Paramente. 3 vols
(reprint of Bonn, 1859-1871)  (Graz, 1970).
BRAUN, Joseph,  Die liturgische Gewandung im Occident und Orient nach
Ursprung und Entwicklung, Verwendung und Symbolik (1st edn. 1907)
(Darmstadt, 1964).
KÖHLER, Carl,  A History of Costume  (New York, 1963).
KONIG, R.,  Macht und Reiz der Mode. Verständnisvolle Betrachtungen eines
Soziologen  (Düsseldorf, 1971).
LEHMANN-LANGHOLZ, Ulrike,  Kleiderkritik in mittelalterlicher Dichtung
(Frankfurt a. M., 1985).
MACALISTER, R. A. S.,  Ecclesiastical Vestments: Their Development and
History  (London, 1896).
NORRIS, Herbert,  Church Vestments, Their Origin and Development  (London,
PIEPKORN, Arthur,  Die liturgischen Gewänder in der lutherischen Kirche seit
1555  (Marburg, 1965).
THIEL, Erika,  Geschichte des Kostüms. Die europäische Mode von den Anfängen
bis zur Gegenwart  (Berlin, 1973).
TRICHET, Louis,  Le costume du clergé: ses origines et son évolution en
France d'après les règlements de l'Eglise  (Paris, 1986).
TURNAU, I., and SZYMANSKA, I.,  European Occupational Dress from the
Fourteenth to the Eighteenth Century  (Warsaw, 1994).

I hope at least one of these might help!

Best wishes,

Daron Burrows, Trinity College, Oxford University.
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