

A great deal has been written on the Augustinian canons in France, although
very little work has been published in English on the subject.
Marie-Dominique Chenu's article on "Monks, Clerics, and Laymen" in his
Theology in the Twelfth Century would provide some background from a French
perspective.  See also Caroline Walker Bynum, "The Spirituality of Regular
Canons," in her Jesus as Mother.
If you read French, you should look at:
Jean Becquet,  Vie canoniale en France aux Xe-XIIe siecles (London,
1985)--his collected essays
Le Monde des chanoines (XIe-XIVe s.), Cahiers de Fanjeaux, 24 (Toulouse,
1989)--on Augustinians in southern France
Also a variety of articles by Charles Dereine on the liturgy of the canons
regular at various houses in France--most of these appeared in Revue
Benedictine in the 1940s and 1950s (sorry, don't have the exact references
The most famous community of Augustinian canons was probably St-Victor of
Paris.  On this house,  see
Jean Longere, ed., L'abbaye parisienne de Saint-Victor au moyen age (Paris,

Megan McLaughlin

Associate Professor of History and Women's Studies
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
309 Gregory Hall, 810 S. Wright St.
Urbana, IL  61801     U.S.A.
Phone:  217-244-2084
Fax:  217-333-2297
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]
