

Today, 29 October, is the feast of ...

* Anastasius of Suppentonia (c. 570)
- abbot whose life and miracles are described in Gregory the
Great's *Dialogues*

* Colman of Kilmacduagh (632)
- of royal blood, he founded a monastery where he lived on weeds
and water before becoming first bishop of Kilmacduagh

* Anna the Young (ninth century)
- in order to live the religious life she desired, she disguised
herself as a man named Euphemianus and lived among monks for several
years; then lived with two eunuch monks for a few years before ending her
days in Constantinople

* Laudoveva (?)
- supposedly a Frankish queen; buried in church of St Frambaud in
Senlis until the French Revolution

* Remi of Lyon (875)
- served as chaplain to emperor Lothar II

* Aethelnoth of Canterbury (1038)
- baptized by St Dunstan; had great influence on king Canute;
supposedly wrote a work on the Virgin Mary, but no trace of this exists

* Allucio di Campugliano (1134)
- founded hospitals in Tuscany; in one of them, he invited men to
live there who had left behind 'pro Dei praedia vel uxores atque filios'

* Pierre le Borgne (1186)
- abbot of Clairvaux, who supposedly wept so much over his sins
that he lost sight in one eye

* Ida of Leau (thirteenth century)
- became nun of Ramiege after schooling with beguines; known for
her passion for copying and correcting liturgical books; lived for some
time with mystics Beatrice of Nazareth and Ida of Nivelles

* Benvenuta Boiani (1292)
- joined Dominican third order, where after five years of
paralysis she vowed to make pilgrimage to St Dominic's tomb in Bologna if
she were able; after miraculous cure, she fulfilled her vow

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Carolyn Muessig
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