

Ron & Barbara Ganze wrote:
> My question is, where can I find (in translation) Hildegard's writings on
> medicine?  I just purchased Sabina Flanagan's translation Secrets of God,
> which contains excerpts and Heinrich Schipperges Hildegard of Bingen:
> Healing and the Nature of the Cosmos, but both give only a brief account.
> > Ron Ganze

There are some translations from German into French; in Ellen Breindl: 
"H. von B.: Une vie, une ouvre, un art de guerir...". Editions Dangles, 
1994, there are some excerpts of her writing on herbs, etc., 
There's an "Internationale Gesellschaft Hildegard von Bingen", CH-6390; 
Engelberg, Suisse. 

Fernando Carvalhaes Duarte
