

Today, 16 October, is the feast of ...

Martinian and other martyrs, and Maxima (458): Maxima, a holy maiden,
converted Martinian and some other slaves of Arian King Genseric to
Christianity, who ended up getting martyred while Maxima retired to a

Gall (635): Famous disciple of Columban; refused abbacy of Luxeuil. Where
two bishops had failed, Gall exorcized a demon from a girl, the evil
spirit leaving her in the form of a black bird (a crow?). His own fame has
been surpassed by the monastery bearing his name, built on the site of his
hermitage on the Steinach.

Mommolinus, bishop of Noyon (686): A monk at Luxeuil, he became a
missionary and bishop of Noyon, following St Eloi (Eligius).

Bercharius, abbot (696?): Another Luxeuil monk, he founded a monastery in
the forest of Der. While sleeping he was stabbed by a young monk, who
immediately felt so terrible that he summoned the community to help save
the abbot, but it was too late.

Lull, bishop of Mainz (786): Native of kingdom of West Saxons, went to
Germany to assist Boniface. Eventually succeeding and burying Boniface,
governed diocese of Mainz for thirty years. Late in life he retired to his
abbey at Hersfeld, where he died.

Anastasius of Cluny (1085): After heeding Hugh of Cluny's request to join
his monastery, he was ordered by pope Gregory VII to convince the Spanish
to give up their Mozarabic liturgy for the Roman. Afterward lived as a 
preaching hermit for several years, before dying en route to recommence
monastic life; buried at Doydes.

Bertrand, bishop of Comminges (1123): Bishop for fifty years. Once, the
people of the Val d'Azun were so upset with having earlier treated the
bishop badly that they promised to give in perpetuity to the see of
Comminges all the butter that was made in Azun every year during the week
before Whitsunday; this they did until the Revolution - associated with
miracle of the 'Great Pardon' at his cathedral.

Hedwig, widow (1243): Aunt of St Elizabeth of Hungary - after bearing some
children, she convinced her husband to agree to a celibate marriage -
after 1209 she spent most of her life based at Trebnitz monastery, but
spent her time administering her many activities aiding the poor; noted
for ascetic living and working of miracles.


Carolyn Muessig
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