

On Sun, 5 Oct 1997, Frank Schaer wrote:

> > Just an addition to the capsule life of Galla. As a widow, she fell 
> > victim to that well-known medical problem of built-up sexual heat. The 
> > temperature level of her metabolism rose so high that it ignited her male 
> > hormones. She was warned that if she did not give up her celibate life 
> > and re-marry she would grow a beard and she cheerfully accepted this 
> > terrible condition of her continued fidelity to God. Now that I think of
> > this, I wonder if the breast cancer should be  construed as a more painful
> > consequence of this renunciation of her womanhood. 
> Are you sure this isn't a posting for 1 April?
No it isn't.  A little flip, I admit, but this is the story recounted in 
Gregory the Great's Dialogues, IV.13, upon which her claim to sainthood 

Jo Ann
