

On Sun, 19 Oct 1997, Michele Bacci wrote:

> Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 11:24:49 +0100 (BST)
> From: Michele Bacci <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: FEAST 18 October
> At 17.24 18/10/97, you wrote:
> >I have seen a few attribuitions of paintings, usually icons of Mary, to 
> >Luke.  Is there any list of these attributions?
> >
> >tom izbicki
> Dear Tom
> I have written a book on the subject, which is forthcoming in the GISEM/
> Pisa University series (the title is 'Il pennello dell'evangelista. Storia
> delle immagini sacre attribuite a san Luca', i. e. 'The Evangelist's pencil.
> The history of sacred images attributed to St. Luke'), but I wasn't able to
> have a complete list of the images attributed to Luke, since their number is
> really too high and difficult to calculate. Also by analyzing their history,
> from the first attribution in Constantinople (the Hodigitria icon) up to the
> end of the 18th century, this strange phaenomenon of attribution was
> widespread throughout the Christian world: I have found icons by Luke's hand
> in Greece, Turkey, Russia, Serbia, Cyprus, Syria, Armenia, Egypt, Ethiopia,
> Italy, Bohemia, Germany, Poland, Belgium, France, and Spain. Their diffusion
> was due both to cultic and devotional causes and to the particular interest
> of the church and the power. The question is too difficult to summarize
> here; however, I have already tried to outline the history of attributions
> of images to the Evangelist in an article entitled 'Appunti sulla nascita,
> moltiplicazione e decadenza delle immagini di culto attribuite a san Luca
> pittore', in "Bollettino d'arte", 6th ser., 88 (1994), pp. 73-92. 
> Michele Bacci
> Scuola Normale Superiore
> Pisa (Italy)
I look forward to the seeing the book.

