

At 17.24 18/10/97, you wrote:

>I have seen a few attribuitions of paintings, usually icons of Mary, to 
>Luke.  Is there any list of these attributions?
>tom izbicki

Dear Tom

I have written a book on the subject, which is forthcoming in the GISEM/
Pisa University series (the title is 'Il pennello dell'evangelista. Storia
delle immagini sacre attribuite a san Luca', i. e. 'The Evangelist's pencil.
The history of sacred images attributed to St. Luke'), but I wasn't able to
have a complete list of the images attributed to Luke, since their number is
really too high and difficult to calculate. Also by analyzing their history,
from the first attribution in Constantinople (the Hodigitria icon) up to the
end of the 18th century, this strange phaenomenon of attribution was
widespread throughout the Christian world: I have found icons by Luke's hand
in Greece, Turkey, Russia, Serbia, Cyprus, Syria, Armenia, Egypt, Ethiopia,
Italy, Bohemia, Germany, Poland, Belgium, France, and Spain. Their diffusion
was due both to cultic and devotional causes and to the particular interest
of the church and the power. The question is too difficult to summarize
here; however, I have already tried to outline the history of attributions
of images to the Evangelist in an article entitled 'Appunti sulla nascita,
moltiplicazione e decadenza delle immagini di culto attribuite a san Luca
pittore', in "Bollettino d'arte", 6th ser., 88 (1994), pp. 73-92. 

Michele Bacci
Scuola Normale Superiore
Pisa (Italy)
