

Nicolette wrote:
> >Fernando Carvalhaes Duarte
> wrote...
> >- numerological thinking of the period: is 32 a symbolic "tag" or was it
> >a belief at the time that Christ lived 32 years("J.Christ lived 32 years
> >in this world...")?
> >
> This is very minor, but I was under the impression that Christ was 33 when
> he died...  and I've been telling undergrads this for some time.  Am I
> wrong!?  (gasp!)  At least, what did medieval people beleive?
> _______________________________________________________________________________
> Nicole Morgan Schulman                  Omittamus studia dulce est desipere,
> Dept. of History, U. of Toronto         et carpamus dulcia iuventutis tenere!

These two positions--Christ was 33 at death and Christ lived 32 years in
this world--don't seem to me to be inconsistent. At age 33, one has
completed 32 years. Isn't that the case?

Stephen Harris
