

On Mon, 14 Jul 1997, Terry Kuny wrote:
> 7. There are some categories that I think are
>    important (just from a random survey of websites) and 
>    which are missing from the list. I think they are 
>    important because I see alot of webpages out there
>    that would be usefully described by the below: 
> [...]    
>    DOCUMENT.SCREED (Sorry Peter! I still think it is a useful
>    catch-all for lots of the "personal" webpage contents).
>    An informal piece of writing; fragment or other
>    type of personal discourse.
> [...]
> 10. Webpage: everything is a webpage. I think
>     homepage is the better and common description of a 
>     top-level page to some organization or person's website.
>     In any event, it needs a note to qualify the scope of the
>     resource-type.
>     webpage.organization = document.homepage.organization
>     webpage.personal = document.homepage.personal

Why do we need DOCUMENT.SCREED if we've got webpage.personal?  And
wouldn't it be easier (ie more understandable) to have just
DOCUMENT.INFORMAL?  After all a webpage is just a particular _format_, not
a _type_.  And until this thread got going I'd never heard of "screed" and
I don't think I'm alone.  If it does go in, it might end up being
effectively "document.misc" as people may just assume its a catch all
field for things that don't fit elsewhere.

Tatty bye,


Jon "Jim'll" Knight, Researcher, Sysop and General Dogsbody, Dept. Computer
Studies, Loughborough University of Technology, Leics., ENGLAND.  LE11 3TU.
* I've found I now dream in Perl.  More worryingly, I enjoy those dreams. *