


RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 5th-8th January 1998 - Kingston/Guildford

Call for Papers


The ways in which the concerns of 'environmental history' intersect with
those of historical geography mean that 'histories of the earth' are
becoming a key arena within a series of geographical 'traditions' new and
old. The aim of this session is to explore the various  forms which this
intersection has taken and to bring together the disparate constitutencies
which are working in this arena: those who would consider themselves
practitioners of environmental history; those who are working on social and
cultural constructions of nature; and also, if possible, physical
geographers who are concerned with histories of the earth. By thinking
through these histories we hope to open up the discussion of how social and
physical processes can be conjointly conceptualised, researched and
presented. The aim is to think of these 'histories of the earth' as a
terrain on which a variety of often separated strands of study can come
together to discuss common concerns such as:-

- the processes transforming 'the earth' over time
- the relationships between the discursive and the material in these processes
- ways of understanding environmental and natural histories
- the ethical and political questions raised by these histories
- the ways of writing and presenting research - e.g. narrative,
auto-biography, new textual techniques and electronic media - that pay
attention to both physical environmental processes and socio-cultural
meanings, and to their interaction in social and environmental history.

Abstracts of up to 200 words should be sent to any of the following
convenors by 31st May 1997.

Dr Catherine Nash                       Professor Michael Williams
Dr Miles Ogborn
Department of Geography         Department of Geography
Department of Geography
University of Wales                     University of Oxford
Lampeter                                         Mansfield Road
Mile End
Ceredigion SA 48 7ED                    Oxford OX1 3TB
London E1 4NS
