

Critical geographers!

If you've got a spare minute, would you mind awfully responding to this
survey questionnaire from your friendly list administrator? Thanks, I knew
I could rely on you.

There's nothing sinister about it - my objective is to reflect on what
might be the nature of critical geography and the C-G-F list.

As an incentive, the first 100 replies will earn a big hug from me when we
next meet in person and the second 100 will earn two hugs from me. Can't be
bad, eh?


(1) Name of your department and institution


(2) Description of your current research interests




(3) Could you list your recent publications (say, in the last year, or 6
months if you're horribly productive)




(4) What was your reason(s) for joining a Critical Geography forum (what
does the notion of a Critical Geography mean to you)?





That's it. Ta ever so much

                           Christopher RAY
                        Centre for Rural Economy
                         University of Newcastle
                Tel: 0191-222-6460 ; Fax: 0191-222-6720
                 Web site: http://www.ncl/ac/uk/~ncr4/
