

Dear George:
we might be able to find such a book on stereotypes, but if you want first
hand info, try to subscribe to the discussion group of the lega del
nord...If you are interested I could give you the address.
More later

Marco Diani EMAIL: <<[log in to unmask]>>
Directeur Scientifique de
l'Institut de REcherches sur le MOderne IREMO
et de l'Institut de REcherches et Applications Multimediales IREAM
CEFI (Centre d'etudes Franco-Italiennes) CNRS & Universite de Savoie
Batiment 12 Campus Jacob  B. P. 1104 73011 Chambery Cedex FRANCE
VOX: (+33) 04 79 75 84 28 / (+33) 04 79 75 84 26
FAX: (+33) 04 79 75 83 17/ (+33) 04 79 96 98 94
