

Is a consensus now forming around the position that shoe-horning any more
functionality into the limits of what is possible within a single attribute
string in HTML is maybe not such a smart move? Of all the dot dot paren escape
character sequences so far proposed has any one commanded much support from
anyone except its proposer? And does any such solution exist in a form where
Joe Home-Page is going to be able to type it in and get it right the first time
without having to find the manual? 

Because if the answer to more than one of these is "no", I think it's time to
review the original decision to put more than simple unstructured strings into
the meta tags of HTML. If we want to this job properly, let's use tools that
exist, and a mechanism that works. Let's use SGML or XML to define the
structure of our metadata packages, and the Warwick framework to embed those
packages. And chalk the last few month's discussion up to experience!
