

In message Tue, 21 Jan 1997 12:33:27 -1000,
  Karen Jolly <[log in to unmask]>  writes:

  However, my understanding was that
> voluntary castration was forbidden by the church, and castrated men were
> restricted from clerical positions (as was a concern with Abelard).
> (Reasons?  One should control lust through an act of the will, resisting
> temptation?  Or notions of the "whole man"?)

You are quite right. Both notions count; from a legal point of view maybe
especially the second one. There exists a papal dispensation from the 1450's
(sorry, no reference at hand) for a German monk who had cut off his genitals
in his cell `haunted by lust' or some similar phrase. A bit drastic, I
Bram van den Hoven van Genderen, Utrecht university
