

Hello all,

Recently I sent a message stating some problems that had arisen with an
assessment.  Although the tone of the text was strong, I felt I had not trod
on too many toes.  I've had a lot of enquiries about this issue and thought
perhaps I should go through this case in a little more detail for you to see
the Big Picture, as it were!

For those who didn't see the previous message, or for another scan through,
it went something like this:

>Hello All, I come out of my hidey-hole on rare occasions but here's an item
>for thought.
>For those who do not know me, I work for Computability (National Charity,
>Advice and Information, Independant of sale and supply, Freephone helpline),
>warmest seasonal greetings to you all! 
>I had a young lad in for a personal assessment on switch input issues. Mum
>and dad were getting a little stressed with school, the statement process,
>provision of equipment etc. 
>We went through some different concepts and the usual suspects, SAW, WIVIK,
>HANDS-OFF, EZ-KEYS - and found that for the purposes which he requires, AND
>his own PERSONAL PREFFERENCE, EZ-KEYS was the right choice.  (Reasons
>included: support issues; flexibility of interface with a range of software;
>the nature of the mouse control; the flexibility of setup, including the
>ability to setup himself (14yrs old); the style of the interface; and most
>of all, when USING them ALL, he got on best with EZ-KEYS and made a strong
>I wrote a short report to help with acquisition, explaining the above,
>assuming that this would help secure funds and get the equipment he
>requires. School does exactly what was expected and contacted various
>organisations to check if this is a valid recommendation (who's this Andy
>Clarke fellow anyway?). 
>Guess what......Ace say SAW is best, Foundation say HANDS-OFF is best, both
>agree EZ-KEYS is to expensive. This results in a very confused LEA IT
>provider, and a frustrated mum and dad when told they can't have the
>software, which we proved during an assessment, is best for their son.
>I'm not poking fingers, and I'm NOT blaming people for ANYTHING, as
>answering a query to the best of our knowledge, in any position, is the best
>any of us can do.  What I would say, is that if someone calls with this sort
>of enquiry, we must where possible, ask the question "Where has this
>information come from, and, on what premise have these recommendations been
>made?".  I know I'm a little guilty on this point, like everyone!
>I know a lot of members of this group, assess a lot of people, which helps
>to provide methods for development for thousands of individuals, each year.
>I would like to try and bridge some gaps where people are falling, and this
>seems like one of them. 
>I read this through and perhaps it does sound like a whinge, but I think
>it's a point worth raising if an individual is now left without equipment
>for another school year, while parents contest the LEA's decision.
>I welcome contact, as always.
>Thanks for reaching the bottom.  Kind Regards, Andy.

The purpose of me highlighting the ACE Centre and the Foundation was not a
finger point.  Those of you who know Computability, know we have a close
working relationship with Foundation (and I’ll leave it there!) and the
utmost respect for the work done by both ACE and ACE Access (if your reading
Sally, it was good to finally meet you last week).  The relevance of
highlighting names was to demonstrate what happens when we are asked, what
is the best!  I have had a few notes which expressed the same view as mine,

Comparing switch input systems is like comparing apples and oranges - that’s
why we all do assessments, providing the opportunity to try as many products
as possible.  And should anyone question the personal choice of a 14 year
old who’s tried the relevant alternatives?…because I’m not sure!  (Did you
know that the only difference between a consultant and god, is that god
doesn’t think he’s a consultant.)


I have talked to mum and school, and have discussed the issues.  School are
keen to have a prolonged assessment over a 3 month period to evaluate
potentials, but do not have, and couldn’t hope to have a copy of all these
software packages.  I’m going to loan them my copy (thanks CAC) of EZ-Keys
for a few weeks to try things out.  Hopefully this will provide a solution,
for all!

My major concern throughout this has been:
"has my acceptance for the family to come and see me, and try out various
technologies, had a negative effect on the overall situation?"

What worries me is that all parties have only ever had the lads interests at
heart, yet he has to date, failed to end up with a workable solution.  

I hope, albeit lengthy, this has been useful to those who have managed to
reach its conclusion.  

Kind Regards.  Andy.

Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed, and in such desperate
enterprises? If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is
because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he
hears, however measured or far away.
 -- Henry David Thoreau, "Walden"

Andy Clarke, Consultant
The Computability Centre
PO Box 94, Warwick CV34 5WS
email: [log in to unmask]
fax: 01926 311 345
tel: 01926 312 847
