

Andy's Note about the problems that he had with the negative comments 
about his assessment give rise to an important point of ethical and 
professional support. (This comes from MY makeing the same mistake!)

If we are to develop and ensure that our institutions, LEA's, the 
Government and others respect our work then it behoves us to support 
one another and not to make open negative comment on the work done by 
colleagues WITHOUT, AT LEAST talking to them first to discover WHY 
certain elements of an assessment are/were recommended.
Had this basic courtesy been observed there would have been NO 

Few if any Doctors would comment(negatively) openly on the work of 
another, if we want to develop as a recognized group of Professionals 
then we must act as such.

If I make a wrong or controversial assessment provision, I would have 
no problems with a colleague calling me up to chat about it, BUT if it 
is criticized behind my back to the very body that I have done the 
assessment for I, like Andy, would be "peeved"


Alan Muller
Able Centre
Middlesex University
Queensway, Enfield  EN3 4SF
TEL: 0181 362 5366
EMAIL: [log in to unmask]
