

>To: [log in to unmask]
>From: [log in to unmask] (Alison Cox)
>Subject: Re: Mini-disc
>On 26 November, you wrote:
>>Has anybody considered the recordable minidisc for use as a recorder 
>>in lectures?
>I have been investigating this as an option for the last couple of months.
I think it has great potential, once the 'warts' have been sorted!
>>I have not seen any specs but would assume they would offer very 
>>quick access to parts of a recording. Also, as they are digital, they 
>>may be suitable for dictation for later transcription by a voice 
>>input system.
>I went to a seminar in Edinburgh last month, run by Dragon Dictate and a
local specialist computer supplier, where the Sony Mini Diskman was coupled
with Naturally Speaking (to combine speech input with 'direct' transcription
to text).  Not perfect ..... but definitely worthy of consideration in a
number of situations.
>We intend to pilot and evaluate it here at the ACCESS Centre.
>Alison Cox
>ACCESS Centre Manager
>Stevenson College
