

Hi Dave
I dunno what this documentary thing is about - training opportunity, or
outrageous self publicity for a select few???? If I knew a little more I
could point people with the right psychological profiles towards the bright
lights (only kidding)
Hows life in the sunny North treating you these days?
Any time you fancy spinning your purple wheels down London town, it would
be grand to meet up.
Do you keep in regular contact with the everso
venerable Pres of Skill?, if not you may not have heard that our man in
Coventry, Mike Adams, has landed one of the HEFCE jobs. I suppose that
means we have to be polite to him now.....oh no. (but will it have any
effect on his drinking habits?)
Thats my only gossip for today, (I need more networking opportunities).
Best wishes
Drop me a line when you have a moment.
Debbie Gibberd
Disability Officer

0171 477 8806
City University
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
