

David B. Serafini writes:

 > >  > But what I miss in F90 is something like getarg() and argcount()....

 > > It has been "on the list" for f2k for some time.  At the last meeting,
 > > it just got voted (unanimously, if I recall correctly) up one "level"
 > > of priority, from the "do if time is available" top the "minor
 > > technical enhancement" category.
 > Is this the defacto-standard Unix GETARG/IARGC syntax, or the uglier
 > POSIX syntax, or something completely different?  

Oh darn.  I just sent off a reply to the private copy before noticing
that this was also on the public list.  I'll make a short reply here

The formal vote didn't specify - it just authorizes committee time to
debate the question.  My personal opinion is that something based on
my proposal will likely pass.  One could legitimately note that I
might have a biased viewpoint on the matter.  My proposal looks
somewhat like iargc/getarg (with different names, though, to avoid
conflicting with existing code) in the simple cases.  My proposal
does have optional arguments for extra posix functionality, but I'd
expect them to be rarely used.  That's why they are optional - so that
they won't "intrude" on the simple cases.

No, I didn't propose anything simillar to the old posix spellings.
I can't ever seem to type those names correctly, possibly related to
the fact that I can't pronounce them (and whenever I try, everyone
near me gives me nasty looks and goes to the washroom to clean up).

Richard Maine
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