

I have a situation like this

DO i = 1,100
    C(:,:,i) = MATMUL(B(:,:,i),A(:,:))

In other words I have a matrix multiplication that is repeated many
times where one of the matrices stays constant.  If possible, I
would like to coerce the data from matrix A into cache (assume it all 
fits) and have it stay there for the entire calculation.  
Is there any hope of this when programming only in a high-level
language such as F90?  Under what conditions could I reasonably
expect that this can be accomplished, if any?    
 |         Pete Bismuti                                                |
 |         Supercomputer Computations Research Institute               |
 |         Florida State University - Department of Mathematics        |
 |         [log in to unmask]  (904)644-6263                         |
