

Roger Glover wrote:

> > - They need X11/motif capabilities: I agree with them that Fortran
> >   lacks graphical interfaces.
> There are graphics and GUI libraries for Fortran (check the Fortran
> Market), but they are generally proprietary, extremely hardware- or
> OS-dependant, and/or less than state-of-the-art.  I would be more
> than happy for someone to prove me wrong.

OpenGL is a state-of-the-art 2D and 3D graphics library with an open standard
and is available on nearly every platform, plus there is Mesa, a freely-
distributable source code implementation of the OpenGL API.  A Fortran 90
binding for OpenGL has been defined which allows users to write standard
conforming portable Fortran programs that use the OpenGL library.  A public
domain implementation of the Fortran 90 interface is available at  This implementation has been tested on several
Unix systems.  A new implementation is currently underway, and will also
support Windows/DOS systems, F, ELF90, and maybe Macs.

Does that meet your criteria?

-- Bill

William F. Mitchell                              | [log in to unmask]
Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division | [log in to unmask]
National Institute of Standards and Technology   | Voice: (301) 975-3808
Gaithersburg, MD 20899                           | Fax:   (301) 990-4127
