

Jean Vezina wrote:
> <snip>
>It is true that direct support for "templates" or "genericity"
>would be a welcome addition for the next Fortran standard (2002 ?),
>since the need for this feature has been mentioned relatively
>It is now to the standards committees to judge of the merits of this
>feature versus difficulty of implementation.
> <snip>

I would be very surprized if it were included in  F200X. To the best of my
knowledge there has only been one moderately detailed proposal for true
genericity, my own discussed in the X3J3 papers 97-117 and 97-118. The
current parameterized derived types proposal does not fit the bill. My
proposal was really submitted too late to be included in the requirements
for Fortran 200X, and the amount of work the committees face have of
necessity caused it to receive short shrift. I have only received one
comment on it, favorable but by someone who is not a member of either X3J3
or SC22WG5.

 William B. Clodius            Phone: (505) 665-9370
 Los Alamos Natl. Lab., NIS-2  FAX: (505) 667-3815
 PO Box 1663, MS-C323          Group Off.: 505/667-3422 or 667-5127
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