

Lawrence, in very properly warning us against going overboard welcoming
popular change (eg the general election result), you are, I feel, in danger
of going overboard the other way. As though no change effected by people
could ever be positive, because the popular will is contaminated. The end
of Marxist/Leninism may have brought evils such as consumerism and mafia
activity to the former eastern bloc countries, but I bet most folks are
glad to see the back of it nevertheless.

Coming back to that funeral and the week of hysteria leading up to it -
let's not be fooled by the media circus, there was a substantial degree of
scepticism in the country which was not reported. My parents, who are
ardent Thatcherites and Daily Mail readers, professed themselves disgusted
and outraged at the over-the-top cult of Diana. I have heard similar views
from people of all shades of political opinion. A non-poet friend warned me
off the Ted Hughes poem with a grimace.

The comparison with the Virgin Mary cult is apt. 

My own sorrow, as an anti-monarchist, is that the monarchy as an
institution may well have been saved by this extraordinary event. The
future scenario: Charles renounces his claim to the throne in favour of
William, who now carries the aura of Diana, saint and martyr. The monarchy
is re-invented as a so-called "people's monarchy". The House of Windsor is
dead; long live the House of Spencer. (Hugo Young's article in The Guardian
on Monday reflected my views almost exactly.)

