

A new Barque book, with !colour cover! (pasted on) and many exciting
poems, by JORDAN DAVIS - a young writer from (and in) New York - is now
available at a mere and mendicant £1.50, including p&p.  The book's called
-UPSTAIRS-, and is a sardonic, linguistically lathered take on New York
School writing, many of the last titans of which are Jordan's buddies.

Does anyone know of Barque? It's a small Small Press, having published
about ten titles over the last two years, all of which are available at
the above rate from me:

	Andrea Brady   		open bond (96)
				Of Sere Fold (97)
	Jordan Davis		UPSTAIRS (97)
	David Jones		LASH WAKES (short proses) (97)
	James Lucas		Body Clock (96)
				hex (96)
	Keston Sutherland 	HAVE WISHLY (95)
				So sung visitor Soh (96)
				Hate's Clitoris & other poems (97)

'open bond' has a nice hand made/painted cover...try before you buy: poems
by Andrea are in the last Object Permanence, in Big Allis, in the next
SALT, in involution; by James in involution, by me in involution,
parataxis (8/9), the next SALT etc..
Anyhow, if ANYONE's interested, e-mail me, or write to ks at
Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge, CB2 1TA 

 - how come no-one has commented on the election results?  what's the
feeling?  Is everyone happy?  
