


I regret that I have had no reply from our hosts for the saturday

I have established that they are announcing 9 a.m. as the start time and
7.50 as the concession

a trustworthy friend rang them and asked for details and was told that they
dont have such details because I am not replying to their emails...

I shall endeavour to solve this by phone tomorrow a.m. and, if not, go up
there. I shall report back


May not get a chance to announce this on the weekend. Hopefully, Saturday
will see the publication from Writers Forum of a book of 64 collaborations
by Cobbing and Upton. This is the full sequence, dedicated to Peter Finch,
part of which was published in Object Permanence. Total collaborations - by
wch we mean that either collaborator is free to alter any part of the
texts, theirs or not, and vice versa, and on and on until both are content.
Page order was agreed today and I have left it to Cobbing to design print
and publish - he's being doing it so well for so long there is nothing I
can add to the process and wld just get in the way. I think it's called..
er.. collaborations. Details etc from WF. Apologies if you didn't want to
know this. 
