

cris cheek mentions briefly my association with Stevie Wishart. This was
in the early 80s when Peter Stacey (who was doing a Phd on the setting
of poetic texts), and Stevie (who was a student at UEA) and I (also PhD,
etc) formed The Ship's Orchestra and performed a number of pieces.
Peter "set" one of my pieces, and Stevie set another. A larger group of
UEA musicians were involved in the performance of a piece by
Bousseur (sic) based on Finnegans Wake, Cage, etc. at the Norwich
Arts Centre. It was all very wonderful, and taught me a great deal. The
interesting thing is that Peter (flute and bodhran), Stevie (violin, hurdy
gurdy) and I (vocals) started to do folk music gigs at the same time. It
was about this time that Cage began working with Peter's other hero
Matt Malloy: it seemed as if everything was coming together.

Since then I've lost touch with Peter and with Stevie, but part of that
experience made it easier when I began to work with the dancer Jo
Blowers, other dancers, and in rehearsals, and once in performance,
with the bass player Gus Garside. But much of this work has never
been seen, or smaller scale excerpts seen in uncongenial spaces.

Other work with a blues band (vocals and harp) has influenced textual
production, but not style. The question whether other performance work
has CHANGED the style of my writing is an interesting one: I've written
things because I've worked with Jo (Shutters was written from
fragments selected by Jo; The Book of British Soil written to balance
Killing Boxes, etc,) but attempts to develop work WITH performers or IN
performance I find difficult... To improvise text is a million miles away, for
me, from improvising music (which I can imaghine doing) ..The next step
is possibly to work towards stochastic methods of combination (chance
and choice) which I often use on paper, in performance, (Bruce
Andrews seesm to do this: a kind of public writing),  but that has eluded
me a little. I don't know whether I'd have such a chance "up North".

These last notes are just musings and they are probably developed in
things on the mailbase I've not read yet  this morning.

