

<<Well the roll call of the Noble speaks for itself>>

yes it does

look at the names of EVERYONE who has one the nobel prize

i thought i made this point way back but i cant find it now - i meant to -
the example i chose was from Sweden - that August Strindberg didnt get the
NP and Selma Lagerlof - cuppla dots over that o please - did... That I know
her name is largely the oddity of my self education... there may well be
others who know her and i am not saying that she is no good, far from it,
but AS is the name wch lasts world wide compared to hers and rightly i
think - if i were to apply great to writers and i am trying not to then he
wld get it from me but with a lot of doubt too

but that was an example - there are many odd names on the nobel list... 
maybe they are getting better at the selection - but can we be sure - i
rate heaney far higher than hughes but but but

there's a dunbar poem - it's the one where he refrains timor mortis
conturbat me and theres a kind of pantheon as i remember - gower and the
gawain as well as chaucer and i cant remember who else - lydgate perhaps -
and while those names hold up the pecking order has and is shifting

these categories are subjective especially if we allow subjectivity to
cultures as well as individuals

