

OK, let me take another crack at it since Keston S. asks.
I'm certainly NOT suggesting that one has to be "in the field" to write
about X or Y.  All I meant--and it just seems so common-sensical to me
that the publication of a book or two of POEMS hardly qualifies someone to
write an omnibus review on (mostly theoretical) books on poetry.  As I say
throughout the article, the situation of poetry is special in this
instance because it wouldn't come up in other fields.  When I said "we" I
simply meant that it doesn't usually happen in other areas but it's par
for the course in poetry reviewing. Look through TLS etc. and you'll see
what I mean.  I don't think there are problems in most other areas.  You
won't find, say, a prof. of economics reviewing Elaine Showalter's new
HYSTERICS or whatever that book is called--although it would in fact be
quite conceivable.  

Marjorie Perloff 
