


An event which I found very interesting and which was
not gallery finish at all was a performance I was involved
with at Cambridge. Josef Beuys came for an opening of 
his Kettle's Yard exhibition of drawings, which was leg 3 of a tour of 
public gallery shows that were a build up for a selling show
of vitrines at D'Offay's.  Beuys was to give a lecture in a 
big lecture theatre on the science site but it wasn't "real"
lecture of course but a performance. This was 81 or 82
and I was to video the event for Beuys. He arrived late and
apparently exhausted but not in an ambulance. He worked through
the event making a text on a big blackboard while his young daughter
read a long text which became a kind of background
There was a question and answer
session but he evaded all questions, didn't deal with them, 
talked about something else. The whole session built up boredom,
unfulfilled expectations, incomprehension. He spent long pauses
looking at the blackboard from elsewhere on the big stage and then
made slight adjustments. All this very intently.In the end
there were just a few words and a big triangle in chalk. Later at
the drawings show opening he broke off in the middle of
sentences and went off to repair a piece or instruct his assistant.

I was very impressed with the purity and commitment of his
work and the humour of it which was unexpected for 
me -- I hadn't realised, reading about his work, looking at photos, 
how ludicrousand funny it was, like Beckett. Anyway the use
of text was a mime show of summing up but delivering nothing
-- and in that academic space it really pissed people off. 
This was a very important experience though my response
to it is still mostly emotional.

Dr Tony Lopez
Reader in Poetry
University of Plymouth
Faculty of Arts & Education
Douglas Avenue

tel: 1395 255418
fax: 1395 264196
