

There is a problem with the dis-forum archive search facility on the 
web. I've informed mailbase and had the following reply:

Thank you very much for drawing our attention to this - we are still 
investigating the problem with our wais indexes.

Basically, if a search returns more than 40 results, it fails.

As a temporary fix I've tweaked the script so it will never find more than
35 matches, and we hope to get this problem fixed soon.

Bronwen Reid, Mailbase, Computing Service, University of Newcastle, 
NE1 7RU Tel: (0191) 222-8214	Email: [log in to unmask]

Paul Dilley, Technical Manager & dis-forum co-owner
Computer Centre for People with Disabilities, University of Westminster
** The Central London Access Centre ** NFAC **

Tel: +44 171 911 5000 Fax: +44 171 911 5162
