

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From:          Caryl Davies <[log in to unmask]>
To:            [log in to unmask]
Date:          Thu, 10 Jul 1997 09:36:43 GMT
Subject:       CSVs
Priority:      normal

I'm interested in whether other people have experienced some of the 
problems with student independent living projects that we have 
experienced here at Cardiff and if so how these have been overcome  
(or not).  Here, the CSVs are "employed" by the student (as opposed to 
the institution) and usually we don't know until the very last minute 
who the CSVs will be and what their experience is likely to be.  In 
the past we have arranged training prior to the start of term which 
some CSVs have been unable to attend because they hadn't been 
assigned to the project in time  We then have the conflict of 
interest between supervising the CSVs as well as supporting the 
student(s).  Supervision is obviously time consuming on a one to one, 
regular basis when you have, as we did once, eight CSVs and one 
supervisor who had other responsibilities.
Has anyone out there tried group supervision?  Who acts as 
Supervisor?  Is this person different to the person supporting the 
student?  Do you offer training and how/when do you structure it?  
Have you ever charged for supervision or training?  Do you think 
there should be a charge?  What kind of training do Supervisors in 
your area receive from CSV?  Do you feel it matches needs etc.
Sorry to have gone on!
Caryl Davies
Student Adviser(Disabilities/Special Needs)
University of Wales, Cardiff.
Caryl Davies
Student Adviser (Disabilities/Special Needs)
University of Wales,Cardiff
Dean of Students Office
47 Park Place
Cardiff CF1 3AT
Tel/minicom: 01222 874610
Fax:  01222 874947
E mail:  [log in to unmask]

Caryl Davies
Student Adviser (Disabilities/Special Needs)
University of Wales,Cardiff
Dean of Students Office
47 Park Place
Cardiff CF1 3AT
Tel/minicom: 01222 874610
Fax:  01222 874947
E mail:  [log in to unmask]
