

> I appreciate that most of the correspondence in dis-forum concerns 
> undergraduate students who are in receipt of DSAs, but what about 
> postgraduates and those who are not? 
> I would be grateful for any suggestions on helping disabled part time 
> postgrad students, many of whom come late to higher education 
> and have no access to computer equipment.  

The University of Westminster made available a sum of money for a 
pool of equipment to be used in these circumstances. Administration 
is a nightmare and some items have been stolen from student 
accomodation. However, it does offer a facility to those who have no 
other options. We started out with 10 Notebook PC's and 3 Apple 

>  An outdated computer 
> which might otherwise be scrapped would help this category of 
> student, who needs the most basic form of word processing.    
> The disability services office last year put out an appeal on the Uni 
> for any old machines and we were offered several - but they had been 
> networked and had no software on them!

These are issues that your computer centre should be able to resolve 
at minimal material cost. The issue is, yet again, whether or not you 
have access to technical staff to sort this out.


Paul Dilley, Technical Manager
Computer Centre for People with Disabilities, University of Westminster
** The London & South East Regional Access Centre **

Tel: +44 171 911 5000 Fax: +44 171 911 5162
