

	From [log in to unmask] Thu Dec 11 09:40:03 1997
	Original-Sender: [log in to unmask]
	Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 16:30:01 -0600
	Subject: Re: Another 2 cents worth - for implicit typing
	From: Roger Glover <[log in to unmask]>

	[log in to unmask] wrote:

	> Fortran will survive if and only if it remains a SMALL
	> language,

	Fortran 90 already made Fortran a much "larger" language
	than C (although significantly "smaller" than "C++").  If
	you already realize this your point must be that Fortran
	is already dying, at least relative to C.  Of course, many
	would say that C is dying relative to C++, which is
	monstrously larger than either C or Fortran.

	Having said that, I would love to see Fortran made smaller,
	and deletion of redundant obsolescent features is the only
	real hope for making that happen.

That's not likely to happen on account of the need
to support legacy code.

However, you can easily make Fortran a much
smaller language by forgetting such features
as EQUIVALENCE, COMMON, Arithmetic IF, DO 10 I = 1,5 ,
BLOCK DATA, etc, fixed-form input,
or by using one of the subset compilers such as F and ELF90.

	> i, j, k used as summation indices without explicit typing
	> is SAFER than
	> 'rumpelstiltskin' used as an index and declared as integer
	> hundreds of lines away in the code.

	Why?  If I spell "rumpelstiltskin" differently on usage than
	on declaration, in C the compiler will not allow the code to
	pass.  On the other hand, if I accidentally double-type "II"
	instead of "I" as my index in Fortran, the compiler will let
	everything go as if nothing were wrong.

Even if you already have a variable called "II".

	-------- Cray Research --------- Roger Glover
	-- A Silicon Graphics Company --
