

The Abbaye de St Michel du Mont welcomes modern pilgrims who come in the
spirit of prayer. Contact the Prior. There are three monks and one nun there
living the Benedictine Rule. Their guests share their meals, their Offices,
their Mass, and contribute towards the cost of the meals. There is a fine
library in the monastery, with cells in it where one sleeps. It is ideal for
those who can bear many stone steps and who like silence. They are
especially looking for vocations. It is closed in November. It is a
glorious, utterly Romanesque, place.
On Birgitta's Vision. This occurred at St Paul outside the Wall Basilica in
Rome, 1368, according to Mersennius, `effigies Crucifixi in basilica extra
Romam Paulina ad Sanctam Birgittam precibus ardentissime ibi vacantem
conuertitur et alloquitur, velut ipsum testaur monimentum hodie et tabula
illi appensa'. Birgitta is influenced both by the Cistercians and by the
Franciscans, the form of her Lateran vision being similar to Francis' with
the stigmata, and influenced by pilgrim guide material Franciscans use in
the Holy Places's Via Dolorosa. Some of the phrases here are also found in
Julian's Showings and the XV Os. Bridget Morris can tell you much more.
