

The old Catholic Encyclopedic Dictionary (ed D. Attwater, 2 ed, 1951)
gives the same 14 names as in Sophie's post and notes that a church has
been dedicated in their honour at Baltimore. Some places were given
permission to celebrate a feast for the 14 on 6 August. (This was, of
course, before the Roman martyrology was revised after Vatican 2.)

  Martin Howley,            
  Humanities Librarian,         
  Memorial University,           
  St. John's, Newfoundland.      

"...libraries, which are as the shrines where all the relics of the
ancient saints, full of true virtue and that without delusion or
imposture, are preserved...."  -- Bacon, The Advancement of Learning.

On Wed, 4 Dec 1996, Sophie Oosterwijk wrote:

> In reply to Barbara O'Cleirigh's question: 
> > > * Barbara, virgin and martyr (?)
> > > - one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers
> >  
> > Who were the other thirteen Helpers?
> The list of the Fourteen Holy Helpers may vary but usually consists 
> of Acacius, Barbara, Blaise, Catharine of Alexandria, Christopher, 
> Cyriacus, Denys, Erasmus, Eustace, George, Giles, Margaret of 
> Antioch, Pantaleon and Vitus, although one may also find Antony, 
> Leonard, Nicolas, Sebastian or Roch.
> These saints were supposed to be particularly helpful against various 
> diseases and afflictions;  they were venerated as a group from the 
> fourteenth century.
> Sophie Oosterwijk 
