

Dear list members,

It is that time of year again at which the Decameron Web greatly increases
in size.  I would like to invite you to visit the site and to give us your
impressions.  Conceived as a didactic experiment in the teaching of the
Decameron, the web has now received over 10,000 hits and continues to grow
steadily.  We are dedicated to the constant improvement of the site;
do not hesitate to let us know what works and what's missing.

We actively encourage the use of the web in courses and wholeheartedly
welcome contributions of all sorts.  The URL:

We recently added a manual-update newsgroup in which we hope to foster and
facilitate the exchange of ideas and information.  Please feel free to
post to it any Boccaccio-related announcements or queries.

Best wishes for the holiday season,

Michael Papio
Italian Studies
Brown University
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