

At the end of November both Ron Johnston and Tony Champion raised the question
of page cuts for the journals. roger Lee has already put a message out on this.
To try to make things clear the situation at Area is as follows. The standard
page length for some years has been 96 pages. In 1996, primarily because of the
large volume of papers submitted, pagination was increased to 112 pages in 28.1
176 pages for 28.2, 144 pages for 28.3 and 112 pages for 28.4. This increase,
only part of which was approved by the publications sub-cttee, has led to extra
costs for type-setting, printing and mailing. As a result of these cost over-
runs, the RHED has decided that pagination should be cut back to the standard
96 pages. The 'cuts' are therefore properly viewed as attempts to control the
increased pagination and costs and bring pagination back to agreed lengths. It
is not a cut in basic pagination but, in extra pagination which has added some
thousands of pounds to costs.

Chris Hamnett
