

Today, 18 November, is the feast of ...

* Dedication of the Basilicas of St Peter and of St Paul
- St Peter's basilica, as we see it today, was consecrated 
by Urban VIII on 18 November 1626; the new basilica of St 
Paul-outside-the-walls, built after the primitive one was 
destroyed by fire, was consecrated by Pius IX on 10 
December 1854, but the annual commemoration was appointed 
for 18 November

* Romanus of Antioch, martyr (304)
- they tried to burn him, but a sudden storm put out the 
fire; they ripped his tongue out of his mouth, but he still 
spoke; they finally strangled him to death

* Barula (304)
- a boy of seven, he confessed one God at the urging of 
Romanus; he was then scourged and beheaded

* Mawes or Maudez, abbot (sixth century?)
- an Irishman who went to Brittany, his cult was one of the 
most widespread in Brittany

* Odo of Cluny, abbot (942)
- when the abbey of Cluny was founded, its first abbot (St 
Berno) appointed Odo to run the monastery school; Odo 
succeeded Berno as abbot, and was noted for his stern rule 
and discipline (at least once, monks threatened to kill 
him); wrote a life of Gerald of Aurillac, moral essays, 
poems and works on music

* * * * * * * * * *
George Ferzoco
