

I'm new to this list and, apart from a convent background, fairly 
new to this area. My research at the moment is focused on 
some aspects of the institutional use of the human body, and I have 
previously examined collections of aboriginal human skeletal and soft 
tissue remains in South African and European museums. The issue of 
human remains in museums is highly politicised, particularly in ex-
colonial countries. I am trying to make some connections between the 
role of these remains in museums today and the role of relics in the 
late medieval church. I am also trying to understand whether there 
was any overt connection made or written about between the ceremony of 
the eucharist and the presence of relics in a church or monestry. 
Perhaps someone may be able to suggest some texts for this. Eventually 
I hope I will understand something of the mind- set of those who 
later left Europe to discover the New World and colonise New World 

One other request. I am soon to visit Lascaux and other sites in 
southern France and the Pyranees. I will go through Lourdes. I was 
wondering if, while I was in those areas, there are any significant 
sites for relics, or catacombs in the the area that I could visit 
while there. 

Many thanks,
Pippa Skotnes
University of Cape Town.
