

     Dear All
     I wonder if anyone can help, I am David Debono, not a historian or 
     such like but am very interested in medieval History, about time I 
     came out of the darkness and announced myself I suppose.
     But to the question, I have been asked if there wsa any sort of 
     award/recognition given to Monks or Brothers in the period 1300-1400 
     or so that would have been the equivalent of a "Garter Knight" or some 
     such, I appreciate that most of the orders at the time were noted for 
     their dicipline, not owning property and so on, but there must, I 
     would have thought, been a form of recognition, by the pope or 
     whatever for good service?.
     I hope that makes some sort of sense and any thoughts greatly 
     David Debono
