

Today, 15 August, is the feast of ...

* the Assumption of Mary
	- in 1950, pope Pius XII confirmed the very long tradition of
belief among Roman Catholics that at the end of her life, Mary's body and
soul were assumed into Heaven
	- is there a similar feast in the East, for the Dormition?

* Tarsicius, martyr (third century)
	- known as 'the boy-martyr of the Holy Eucharist', he was an
acolyte who was killed by non-Christian Romans on the Appian Way while he
was transporting some consecrated hosts

* Arnulf or Arnoul, bishop of Soissons (1087)
	- after time in monastery of st Medard, he became bishop; died in
Aldenburg, where he was for some time buried in the churchyard (until at
a council at Beauvais in 1120, when the then bishop of Soissons demanded
that the corpse be moved into the church)

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George Ferzoco
