

Today, 7 July, is the feast of ...

* Pantaenus (c. 200)
	- once a Stoic philosopher, he became head of the Alexandria
catechetical school; Eusebius says he had been a missionary to India,
where he met Christians who had been converted thanks to the apostle
Bartholomew; nicknamed 'the Sicilian bee'

* Palladius, bishop (432)
	- persuaded St Germain d'Auxerre to preach in Britain against
Pelagianism; was himself eventually sent by Pope Celestine I

* Felix, bishop of Nantes (582)
	- this is actually the feast of the translation of his relics; he
died on 6 January (note to Graham Jones: a six-month interval, almost)

* Ethelburga, Ercongota and Sethrida, virgins (c. 664 and 660)
	- Ethelburga and Sethrida, half-sisters, were abbesses of abbey of
Faremoutier, in the forest of Brie; niece Ercongota was divinely
forewarned of her death by a vision of angels

* Hedda, bishop of Winchester (705)
	- at his tomb, people would come to his tomb with dirt, mix it
with water, and sprinkle the mixture on sick men and animals

* Cyril and Methodius (869 and 884)
	- brothers, natives of Thessalonika, venerated as apostles of the
southern Slavs and fathers of Slavonic literary culture

* Benedict XI, pope (1304)
	- when his mother came to visit him at the papal court, he refused
to welcome her until she changed out of her fancy clothes purchased for
the occasion, into her everyday attire

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George Ferzoco
