

Today, 29 July, is the feast of ...

* Martha, virgin (first century)
	- according to Provencal legend, she accompanied Mary Magdalen to
the south of France, and evangelized Tarascon, where her relics were
invented in 1187

* Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrice, martyrs (304?)
	- a newborn baby accused the murderer of Beatrice of the crime,
and three hours later he died a horrible death (and all who were present
decided to convert to Christianity)

* Felix 'II' (365)
	- since 1947, the *Annuario Pontificio*, in its list of popes, has
noted 'Felix II as an antipope

* Lupus or Loup, bishop of Troyes (478)
	- accompanied Germain d'Auxerre into Britain to combat the
Pelagians; taken hostage by Attila

* Olaf of Norway, martyr (1030)
	- spring that gushed from his grave cured people miraculously; the
site is known as the Feginsbrekka, or 'hill of joy'

* Urban II, pope (1099)
	- dare I ask Michael Hynes what he thinks of the cult of Urban?

* Guillaume Pinchon, bishop of Saint-Brieuc (1234)
	- canonized in 1247; at translation of his relics the following
year, his body was found to be incorrupt

* * * * * * * * * * *
George Ferzoco
