


> 	Two questions: I have seen the hymn I am using, Veni Sancte Spiritus 
> (not Veni Creator) attributed to Stephen Langton. Is this known? And in what 
> liturgical settings (in the Middle Ages, circa 14th century or later) is Veni 
> Sancte Spiritus used?

Oops, I almost forgot to answer these questions. On the issue of authorship,
Jungmann cites G. Morin, _Revue Bened._, XXX (1913), 121 and Wilmart, _Auteurs
spirituels_,  37-45. I'd wager, however, that more recent work has been done.
The _Veni, Sancte Spiritus_ would be sung during the Mass for Pentecost,
between the readings of the Epistle and the Gospel.

Phil Feller                                 me salutoe molto virtuosamente,
esp, Software Services                      tanto che me parve allora vedere
[log in to unmask]                                 tutti li termini de la beatitudine
[log in to unmask]                           Dante, _Vita Nuova_ III, 1
