

Today, 8 June, is the feast of ...

* Maximin d'Aix (first century?)
	- one of Jesus's seventy-two disciples, he left Palestine after
the Ascension with Mary Magdalen, Martha, Lazarus, Mary Cleophas, Mary
Salome and others in order to evangelize Provence; the head of Mary
Magdalen is still supposed to be in the church dedicated to Maximin

* Medard, bishop of Vermandois (c. 560)
	- gave the veil to Radegunde
	- in Salency (his native town), if it rains on St Medard's feast the
forty ensuing days will be wet; if the weather is fine, the next forty
days will also be fine -- anyone know the forecast?

* Clodulf or Cloud, bishop of Metz (c. 692)
	- his father, St Arnoul, was also bishop of Metz

* William, archbishop of York (1154)
	- scenes from his life are in the stained glass windows of York
	- canonized in 1227 by pope Honorius III

* Giovanni Rainuzzi (1330?)
	- relics discovered in 1568: while an exorcism was pronounced in
the crypt of a church in Todi, the demoniac suddenly cried out 'Here rests
the body of Blessed John the Almsgiver'; soon some bones were discovered,
with an inscription identifying these as the remains of Johannes Raynutius
de Todi

* Pacifico Ramota (1482)
	- author of popular *Sometta di pacifica coscienza*, a work of
moral theology; charged by pope Sixtus IV to preach a crusade against
Mohammed II, but he died soon after beginning to do so

* * * * * * * * *
George Ferzoco
