

This is a belated response to the question posted on behalf of Robert Gleave 
a week or two ago, who was working on an 18th-century hagiographical text 
and wondering about the move from oral to written hagiography.  If he's 
still looking for sources on this subject, he might want to write to Evelyn 
Birge Vitz, who teaches in the French Dept. at New York University (the rest 
of her postal address:  19 University Place, Room 622, New York, NY 10003).  
She has been working for some time on a book on oral and written traditions 
in medieval hagiography, so she could probably be very helpful indeed.  
Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to use e-mail (though she has an e-mail 
address at NYU).  

And good luck to him--

Sherry Reames, English Dept., U. Wisconsin ([log in to unmask])

